
2015 بالصور.. تغريبة اللجوء تهز العالم

مآسيهم بدأت قبل سنوات، إلا أن العالم لم يهتز فعلاً إلا حين تلقى ضربة موجعة بانتشار صور لأطفال لاجئين قذفهم البحر جثثاً هامدة على شطآن الغربة.
رحلات الموت هذه التي عبرها الآلاف صغاراً وكباراً أطفالاً وشيوخاً، لم تهدأ بعد رغم الذين سقطوا، لا سيما من سوريا باتجاه تركيا ومنها عبر البحر إلى أوروبا وبوابتها اليونان. جلهم أتى من بلدان عربية قضتها الحروب وظلم النظام وداعش كما في سوريا. من القذائف هربوا أو الحصار أو الجوع، بعضهم لامس أوروبا وبعضهم قضى قبل أن يصل اليابسة.
صورة إيلان، ذلك الطفل السوري الكردي الذي لفظه البحر جثة هامدة بقميصه الأحمر ورجليه الصغيرتين ممددتين على الرمال، هزت ضمير العالم ولا يزال المئات من الأطفال أمثاله، يقضون يومياً، وتحتفي بهم وسائل التواصل الاجتماعية، وتستعرض شاشاتنا وجوههم، فيما العالم يشاهد “عاجزاً”.
مليون لاجئ عبروا أوروبا نصفهم من السوريين
حسب إحصاءات المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين، أجبرت الحروب والصراعات والفقر مليون شخص على الفرار إلى أوروبا عام 2015، وهو عدد لم يسبق له مثيل، وفقاً لتقديرات المفوضية والمنظمة الدولية للهجرة.
ولغاية 21 كانون الأول، عبر نحو 972.500 شخص البحر الأبيض المتوسط، وفق أرقام المفوضية. فضلاً عن ذلك، تشير تقديرات المنظمة الدولية للهجرة إلى أن أكثر من 34 ألف شخص قد عبروا براً من تركيا إلى بلغاريا واليونان.
ويعتبر عدد المهجرين بسبب الحروب والنزاعات الأعلى الذي يشهده غرب أوروبا ووسطها منذ التسعينيات عندما اندلعت نزاعات عدّة في يوغوسلافيا السابقة.
وهناك واحد من بين كل شخصين من أولئك الذين عبروا البحر المتوسط هذا العام – أي نصف مليون شخص – من السوريين الفارّين من الحرب في بلادهم. وشكّل الأفغان نسبة 20 في المائة والعراقيون نسبة 7 في المائة.

ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH OR INJURY A Turkish gendarmerie stands next to a young migrant, who drowned in a failed attempt to sail to the Greek island of Kos, as he lies on the shore in the coastal town of Bodrum, Turkey, September 2, 2015. At least 11 migrants believed to be Syrians drowned as two boats sank after leaving southwest Turkey for the Greek island of Kos, Turkey's Dogan news agency reported on Wednesday. It said a boat carrying 16 Syrian migrants had sunk after leaving the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula, and seven people had died. Four people were rescued and the coastguard was continuing its search for five people still missing. Separately, a boat carrying six Syrians sank after leaving Akyarlar on the same route. Three children and one woman drowned and two people survived after reaching the shore in life jackets.  REUTERS/Nilufer Demir/DHA  ATTENTION EDITORS - NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. TEMPLATE OUT. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. TURKEY OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN TURKEY.
ATTENTION EDITORS – VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH OR INJURY A Turkish gendarmerie stands next to a young migrant, who drowned in a failed attempt to sail to the Greek island of Kos, as he lies on the shore in the coastal town of Bodrum, Turkey, September 2, 2015. At least 11 migrants believed to be Syrians drowned as two boats sank after leaving southwest Turkey for the Greek island of Kos, Turkey’s Dogan news agency reported on Wednesday. It said a boat carrying 16 Syrian migrants had sunk after leaving the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula, and seven people had died. Four people were rescued and the coastguard was continuing its search for five people still missing. Separately, a boat carrying six Syrians sank after leaving Akyarlar on the same route. Three children and one woman drowned and two people survived after reaching the shore in life jackets. REUTERS/Nilufer Demir/DHA ATTENTION EDITORS – NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. TEMPLATE OUT. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. TURKEY OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN TURKEY.
Hungarian policemen detain a Syrian migrant family after they entered Hungary at the border with Serbia, near Roszke, August 28, 2015. REUTERS/Bernadett Szabo          SEARCH "YEAREND 2015: MIGRANT CRISIS" FOR ALL 55 PICTURES
Hungarian policemen detain a Syrian migrant family after they entered Hungary at the border with Serbia, near Roszke, August 28, 2015. REUTERS/Bernadett Szabo SEARCH “YEAREND 2015: MIGRANT CRISIS” FOR ALL 55 PICTURES
Hungarian policemen stand by the family of migrants as they wanted to run away at the railway station in the town of Bicske, Hungary, September 3, 2015. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh     SEARCH "YEAREND 2015: MIGRANT CRISIS" FOR ALL 55 PICTURES
Hungarian policemen stand by the family of migrants as they wanted to run away at the railway station in the town of Bicske, Hungary, September 3, 2015. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh SEARCH “YEAREND 2015: MIGRANT CRISIS” FOR ALL 55 PICTURES



An Iranian migrant cries next to his son and wife moments after a small group of exhausted migrants from Iran arrive by paddling an engineless dinghy from the Turkish coast (seen in the background) at a beach on the Greek island of Kos August 15, 2015.  REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis     SEARCH "YEAREND 2015: MIGRANT CRISIS" FOR ALL 55 PICTURES
An Iranian migrant cries next to his son and wife moments after a small group of exhausted migrants from Iran arrive by paddling an engineless dinghy from the Turkish coast (seen in the background) at a beach on the Greek island of Kos August 15, 2015. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis SEARCH “YEAREND 2015: MIGRANT CRISIS” FOR ALL 55 PICTURES


A Syrian refugee holding a baby in a lifetube swims towards the shore after their dinghy deflated some 100m away before reaching the Greek island of Lesbos, September 12, 2015.    REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis    SEARCH "YEAREND 2015: MIGRANT CRISIS" FOR ALL 55 PICTURES          TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
A Syrian refugee holding a baby in a lifetube swims towards the shore after their dinghy deflated some 100m away before reaching the Greek island of Lesbos, September 12, 2015. REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis SEARCH “YEAREND 2015: MIGRANT CRISIS” FOR ALL 55 PICTURES TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Four-year-old Rashida from Kobani, Syria, part of a new group of more than a thousand immigrants, sleeps as they wait at border line of Macedonia and Greece to enter into Macedonia near Gevgelija railway station August 20, 2015.  REUTERS/Ognen Teofilovski   SEARCH "YEAREND 2015: MIGRANT CRISIS" FOR ALL 55 PICTURES      TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Four-year-old Rashida from Kobani, Syria, part of a new group of more than a thousand immigrants, sleeps as they wait at border line of Macedonia and Greece to enter into Macedonia near Gevgelija railway station August 20, 2015. REUTERS/Ognen Teofilovski SEARCH “YEAREND 2015: MIGRANT CRISIS” FOR ALL 55 PICTURES TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY



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ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH OR INJURY A Turkish gendarmerie stands next to a young migrant, who drowned in a failed attempt to sail to the Greek island of Kos, as he lies on the shore in the coastal town of Bodrum, Turkey, September 2, 2015. At least 11 migrants believed to be Syrians drowned as two boats sank after leaving southwest Turkey for the Greek island of Kos, Turkey's Dogan news agency reported on Wednesday. It said a boat carrying 16 Syrian migrants had sunk after leaving the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula, and seven people had died. Four people were rescued and the coastguard was continuing its search for five people still missing. Separately, a boat carrying six Syrians sank after leaving Akyarlar on the same route. Three children and one woman drowned and two people survived after reaching the shore in life jackets.  REUTERS/Nilufer Demir/DHA  ATTENTION EDITORS - NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. TEMPLATE OUT. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. TURKEY OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN TURKEY.
ATTENTION EDITORS – VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF DEATH OR INJURY A Turkish gendarmerie stands next to a young migrant, who drowned in a failed attempt to sail to the Greek island of Kos, as he lies on the shore in the coastal town of Bodrum, Turkey, September 2, 2015. At least 11 migrants believed to be Syrians drowned as two boats sank after leaving southwest Turkey for the Greek island of Kos, Turkey’s Dogan news agency reported on Wednesday. It said a boat carrying 16 Syrian migrants had sunk after leaving the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula, and seven people had died. Four people were rescued and the coastguard was continuing its search for five people still missing. Separately, a boat carrying six Syrians sank after leaving Akyarlar on the same route. Three children and one woman drowned and two people survived after reaching the shore in life jackets. REUTERS/Nilufer Demir/DHA ATTENTION EDITORS – NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. TEMPLATE OUT. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. TURKEY OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN TURKEY.

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